
Welcome to our family blog! It's where we'll share news, views, thoughts, and opinions (right, wrong, and indifferent from time to time) and give friends and family a chance to keep up with us!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Big News!

Well, I realize now that headline may be a little mis-leading...

Maggie and I have learned that she will likely be going home somewhere between weeks 32 and 34! It of course all depends on how things go over the next 14 days or so. It's good news and I know she'll be ready to go home after more than 2 months in the hospital. She'll still be on bed-rest but at least she can be home and clean off all 50-some Days of Our Lives episodes bogging down our DVR.

We had another ultrasound yesterday and the Doctors are pleased with his development. This whole thing has seemed like an eternity but I'm also trying to grasp that we'll get to meet our little boy in a few weeks!

Outside of the hospital my world has focused on getting the house ready for Maggie (and Wyatt's) eventual return. Although being unemployed currently is not ideal, I've managed to put the time to good use accomplishing things around the house and freeing my time up for them once they are home for good. I've managed to paint everything on the two upper floors and clean out the garage...which is probably only exciting to me.

I'm still working job leads, sending out resumes, interviewing, and continuing the search...just praying for God's direction and placing me in the right place this time.

So, that's it for now...hope you all had a great Holiday Season and we're all looking forward to big things in 2011!


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