
Welcome to our family blog! It's where we'll share news, views, thoughts, and opinions (right, wrong, and indifferent from time to time) and give friends and family a chance to keep up with us!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Back at home...

I know that it has been a couple of weeks since the last update, so I will do everything I can to fill in all the gaps. Last Tuesday, when we hit 33 weeks, we were discharged from the hospital! What an exciting day that was! I started off with an ultrasound at Maternal Fetal Medicine, and then waiting for discharge instructions. It was so nice to go home and sleep in our bed, cuddle with Riley, and feel like life was somewhat normal again. I slept like a rock those first few nights in bed and it has been so nice! At the last ultrasound, he was tipping the scales at 5 pounds 8 ounces, so apparently I am not carrying a small child :) Because of that, I believe that I will be induced at 39 weeks if I do not go into labor on my own before that. Chris thinks that I will go into labor relatively soon after I am off of bed rest, but I am not so sure about that. My luck I will have done such a good job of being on bed rest and Wyatt will finally figure out he is supposed to stay put, they will have to induce me :) Either way, it is hard to believe that he will be here somewhere between now and 5 weeks from now!

Yesterday, I had an appointment to check on everything. All is looking good. I am somehow measuring small, but the doctor obviously is not concerned since Wyatt is pretty much a beast! Everything was stable, so that made me feel good. I had gotten so used to seeing Dr. Kerlin every day, I felt like I hadn't seen her in forever. She is an awesome person, so it was nice to catch up. I wont see her again for two weeks (I will be 36 weeks then) so I am sure that my list of questions will be very long by then! At this point, it seems like the plan is start my weekly appointments at 36 weeks, schedule an induction at 39 weeks, but she will strip my membranes at 38 weeks. So that seems to be the plan. On a happy note, Dr. Kerlin delivered some pretty exciting news to me when I was there yesterday-- she suggested that I go to church on Sundays! That was awesome news! I have to go in a wheelchair, but having not been to church in 10 weeks, I will be so excited to see everyone, and one step closer to feeling like a normal person! I have two more weeks of bed-rest and then look out world I am a free woman!

It is official- I think I am going through "favorite nurse withdrawal". When you see the same people all the time, they are the only people besides your mother and your husband that you see on a consistent basis, and you see them several times a week for 12 hours at a time, it is hard to just stop seeing them. Some people have asked who these favorite nurses are, and I must say that Jessica, Sandy, and Amanda were definitely my saving grace when I was there. Jessica and Sandy work days and Amanda works nights. It always made my day just a little bit better to know that one of my 3 favorites would be working on a day... and when I had a day that had either Sandy or Jessica during the day and Amanda at night, well let me tell you, those were the best! So now, I have to find a way to plan the labor around their work schedules! Either that or convince them to come in and deliver Wyatt on a day they aren't scheduled to work!

On other notes, I had my first baby shower on Sunday. It was so nice to get out and have a day about me. My sisters and my mom threw it at the Ruby Pear in Noblesville. The Ruby Pear is a tea-room in an old Victorian house right off the square. It was such a fun day. There were hydrangea centerpieces, yummy little tea sandwiches and scones, and a variety of different teas. There were about 17 family members and family friends at this shower, and boy was Wyatt spoiled! We got so many incredible gifts and with the help of Chris and my mom, they are all assembled, laundered and put away! It is starting to look like a baby will be living here soon. Chris has installed the car seat base into the CRV so that we are ready to go when that time comes. Next on the agenda will be getting the bags packed so we can just run out the door when the time is right! My good friend, Kasie, is throwing my other shower on the 5th and I am looking forward to seeing everyone at that one too! Wyatt has so many people already that love him and spoil him!


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