
Welcome to our family blog! It's where we'll share news, views, thoughts, and opinions (right, wrong, and indifferent from time to time) and give friends and family a chance to keep up with us!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Maggie and Wyatt are 32 weeks along...

I know it has been awhile since i last updated, so I am going to do my best to update you on all the goings on the past little bit. In good news, I GET TO GO HOME!! In 5 days! Next Tuesday, (should all go well) I will get to go home. I will have an ultrasound that morning and everything will be checked, and then I will be able to go home! This is very exciting. Makes me very excited, but also makes me very nervous. I think that Chris is nervous too. That means he has to be responsible for me while I am at home. At this point, it seems like the plan is to go home at 33 weeks, stay on all medications and bed-rest until 36 weeks and then at 36 weeks, I will be off all medicine and allowed to walk around and enjoy whatever amount of time that is before Wyatt comes into the world. We are SO EXCITED to meet him!

We get to have ultrasounds every Tuesday ( and yes, I have an entire photo album of ultrasound pictures). I really look forward to these ultrasounds. Chris has been trying to stay around in the mornings so he can see them as well and see Dr. Dungy-Poythress when she gets to come too. Each time I am amazed that I have that precious little boy growing inside me. It isn't like I can forget he is there... he is VERY active and can kick VERY VERY hard. He always has his hands up by his face (like his mom- my hands are usually up around my head when I am sleeping). He is head down and perfectly content staying there. He likes the left side of my abdomen a little better than the other side... I think that is because there is room since I do not have an ovary or a fallopian tube on that side. Needless to say, my stomach tends to look a little lopsided. We have been able to see all 10 toes, all 10 fingers, 2 eyes, nose, mouth, and all the necessary organs! He doesn't like to always let us see his face, but he has not problem showing off his man parts...those are fairly visible during every ultrasound. I have gotten to know some of the ultrasound techs from Maternal Fetal Medicine in my almost 9 weeks here, and I was able to sweet talk them into a few 3D ultrasounds... and my prediction is Wyatt is going to look JUST like his Daddy! I know that changes, and will continue to change, but all the nurses, family, and friends have agreed... he definitely has Owens genes!

Some other rather eventful things from the week-- I am pretty sure in a 24 hour period of time, I managed to meet our family deductible for 2011! This started with the nurses changing my terbutaline pump settings. I had been getting a large dose of medicine every 4 hours while still getting a continual rate throughout the day. I was having quite a bit more contractions as well as more painful ones so they changed me to every three hours. Roughly 24 hours later, I had a rash on my arms and legs, and itched from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. During the commercial breaks of the Colts game, I was having Chris scratch my back and try to make me feel better. I also started to develop some chest pains. The nurses then ordered an EKG to make sure that my heart was okay. The terbutaline can cause my heart to work extra hard, so we checked that out. My EKG came back normal. The next morning, I had a visit from my OB (she comes every day) and we talked about the itching, chest pains, etc. She ordered some blood work to check my liver enzymes and liver function as well as turned my pump back to every 4 hours-- after reading soem things, itching and chest pain can be a side effect of terbutaline. Those came back just fine. The following day, I was still having periodic chest pain and constant itching, so my doctor ordered cardiac enzym es. Then a hospitalist came and ordered an EKG--remember, I had one less than 48 hours prior-- an Echo of my heart, and a chest X-Ray. Those things all came back fine. I then had a CT of my chest, and an ultrasound/doppler of my legs to check for clots. In those 48 hours, I heard talk about Pulmonary Edema, Pulmonary Embollism, Blood Clots, and various heart conditions. All along, I thought that perhaps it was just a reaction to the medicine (I have developed intolerance to medications in the past). And lo and behold, all results came back just fine and I might just need to be taken off this medication :) I am now having consults from my OB, Maternal Fetal Medicine, Physical Therapy, Dietary, Cardiology and the Hospitalist. All I can say is, I am sure that our insurance company LOVES us!

On another note, I have become a bit famous down in the kitchen/cafeteria. To make a long story short, in my experience, the food here has tasted surprisingly good, especially if it is hot when I get it! The timeliness, however, leaves a little bit to be desired. There motto is that they will have it here in 45 minutes or less... in my almost 9 weeks, I might have received my meal in 45 minutes a total of 5 times. As I have told people here, being pregnant on bedrest and the only thing you can do is go to the bathroom, my food and my sleep are pretty important and the only controllable factors. I let my feelings be known, I know have someone from the cafeteria that comes up a couple times a week to make sure I am satisfied, I have something on my meal tickets that say to make sure my tray is delivered on time as well as I have had a visit from the Director of Food and Nutrition. Since all of that has happened, I have had record times on all my trays. I really do not mean to be a pain or a complainer, but I like my food!

All in all, it was an eventful week. We got to the next milestone of 32 weeks, and I get to go home. My mom and my husband say they are going to tie me down so that I will behave myself when I am home, but I dont think that they actually will! I know that this was a long post, but there was a lot to pass on! I hope that everyone is well and I cannot wait to come home and then meet this little guy!


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