
Welcome to our family blog! It's where we'll share news, views, thoughts, and opinions (right, wrong, and indifferent from time to time) and give friends and family a chance to keep up with us!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

One Big Boy!

Well, here we are post-Christmas and pre-2011 and we're up to week six and passing milestone after milestone.

Maggie had the usual ultrasound today and Wyatt weighs in at 3lbs and 14oz! That puts him bigger than 92% of babies at his stage right now and we're so thankful for his continued growth. I'm sure at some point his mother will be ready for him to stop growing and join us on the outside. The possibility exists that she could go home before he is delivered, but right now we're just continuing to go day to day. 30 weeks down and a few more to go!

I've had several people ask about my job status since my last gig ended sooner than expected. I've been presented with a couple of consulting opportunities and am awaiting a couple of other meetings next week - all hopefully in direction of my next job.

In the meantime I've taken to doing some home projects and getting things ready for Wyatt's arrival! Finally painting the office and setting things up there - hopefully I have the chance to work some from home.

Other than that just thankful for God's hand in our lives and the lives of our family. We're so thankful for a healthy albeit early baby boy for my cousin Lindsey and their family.

On to Tuesday Night Football!!!! Then a big wild new year's eve party in the high-risk ward. A big game Sunday and then we'll be at 31 weeks!



  1. Hey Chris...good to see that weight.... that is more than I weighed at birth over 40 years ago..sounds like things with Wyatt are headed in the right direction!! :-)

  2. Chris, thanks for the plug. We are so glad Maggie and Wyatt are both doing so well. I was just discussing with The MM how Maggie must be at least somewhat comforted to see that Christian is doing so well being that her due date was so close to ours. Things sure do get hectic when that little one comes out so be as prepared as you can and do all the nesting for Maggie since she can't be home to do it. She will love you that much more for it. I say this as I sit at home debating what to clean before Sam flies home from Indy on Thurs. Sure wish I had a husband cleaning my house right now! LOL. Best of luck and keep us updated!! Love you guys and praying for you!
