As I sit here today, there are lots of things I am thinking about. As Christmas is a few short days away, I do find myself getting a little bit sad. Spending our last Christmas as just Chris and I in Community Hospital was not exactly what I had in mind. Christmas is my favorite holiday and I love to spend it with the people that I love. Traditionally that would be spending it with Chris' family, my family, friends and of course our church family at Crosspoint. People ask me what the hardest thing is a bout being in here at the Holidays, and honestly, I think it will be missing the Christmas Eve Service at church. As a child and as an adult, we were always at church for Christmas Eve. Sometimes it wouldn't be our home church, but we spent it somewhere. This is the first Christmas Eve where I will not be at a service. That makes me sad and it is one of those things that I think people take for granted. This year, our church is doing their first true Christmas Eve service. I was so excited to be a part of it, be there when it happened, and be there for the beginning of an exciting thing, but obviously, God has a different plan for me for right now. Keeping Wyatt inside is what I need to be doing, and that is okay. I would rather have him inside me than up in NICU-- although I know he would be in great hands there as well.
Monday will mark being here for a whole 6 weeks. At least I know that I am halfway there, even if I have to stay until 36 weeks. Doctors are thinking that I should be able to come home at 34 weeks, stay on bed-rest for a couple more weeks and stay on the terbutaline pump, an ]d then at 36 weeks I will be good to do what I have to until the baby comes. It has been a long almost 6 weeks, but all in all the days just kinda blend together, I sleep when I can, and sometimes get my days and my nights confused, and enjoy the visitors that I have. My biggest complaint I have right now is that my hips and things are KILLING me! I am sure sitting in bed for hours on end and not doing anything at all will contribute to it. It makes i t hard to get to sleep at night and even harder to stay asleep. My only other complaint is the pressure he is putting on my cervix. I told the doctor, sometimes I think that his arm is just gonna pop out the amount he pushes, pokes, and prods on me1!
On the medical end of things, I am still on the terbutaline pump, still contracting, and still hanging in there. I tend to have more contractions in the evening, and thankfully, they are just contractions and not changing anything, so that is good. Some are pretty painful, but most are just a little painful and a lot annoying! I never thought I would sit in bed and contract for weeks on end before even having the baby! But that is part of it and what I have to do!
So in a nutshell, we are all just hanging in here. Christmas brings out a lot of many happy memories and in the future, this will be one of those. Chris' family is coming tonight to celebrate Christmas, and my family is coming on Christmas night for dinner and presents. The presents are wrapped and in my room sitting under the "tree"' and I cannot wait to see the excitement in my nieces and nephews when they open their goodies. Chris will be here Christmas Eve and then we will spend Christmas together here on the Labor and Delivery Unit :) Not how we envisioned it going this year, but we are definitely making the best of it. I am receiving incredible care (even getting m y favorite nurses most days.... I look forward to when my favorites work... it helps to pass the time), my doctors are incredible and doing everything they can to make me comfortable and keep Wyatt where he belongs, and we have an incredible group of friends that visit, bring things to help pass the time, or even just send little notes that make me chuckle. Chris and I are truly blessed and we wish you all a Very Merry Christmas! (Consider this the Christmas Card... this year, that wasn't going to happen)...
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