December 11th, 2010...it will go down as one of my favorite days of the year and the event is one of my favorite every Holiday Season! I'll explain why there's a picture of the back of our SUV in a minute.
First the update - Maggie is doing fine and rapidly approaching 28 weeks. She had an ultrasound on Tuesday and Wyatt is measuring 2lbs 11oz, which is bigger than the average size or at least that the 'mom to be application' on my ipod touch says! According to that application as well I'll start to see some more changes in my body this month!! (haha) I digress...
It's still looking like we'll be here for a long time, so a special thank you again to all who are praying, have prayed, will continue to pray, stopped by, called, emailed, texted, cooked, sent cards, or just reached out to show your support.
Now, on to today... There's nothing relevant about this date in our family history but, the event that occurs around this time each year means more this year than others.
Our church, Crosspoint (shameless plug http://www.xptweb.org where yours truly will be rocking 2 Christmas Eve Services), does a "Spread Some Cheer Drive" each year. It's a great opportunity to provide a meal for some less fortunate families during the holidays. It's really great because they give you a shopping list with a moving box and you get to assemble this "meal in a box" for a local family.
I set out today to do the shopping on my own... I really missed being with Maggie during this time because for the last 3 years we've made this a tradition. Still a little bummed I headed into the store to start shopping early. It didn't take long to cross everything off the list. Cramming it into our vehicle proved to be a little tough around 2 guitars, an amp, and my effects case, but I managed. The attendant at the checkout picked up that I had 2 of everything and asked why...she thought it was a great idea! I went home to start assembling the boxes and getting our meals ready to go minus the frozen birds that will reside in the freezer until 12/19 when we turn these in. I'm playing on the 19th and to watch all the boxes come in to feed over 1,000 people is pretty moving.
The thought that just kept running through my mind while missing Maggie was how much more fun this will be in 3 or 4 years when we can start to teach Wyatt why we do this. When we can let him pick out some cookies and other food to give back in a very special way. I'm thankful that Maggie and I were both raised with a desire to give out of what we've been blessed with. We'll both enjoy the thought on Christmas Day while we're (hopefully) watching it snow from the hospital that another family is enjoying a great meal!
Many people have asked how to help...and again the overwhelming thought in our minds is to continue to pray and find an opportunity to "spread some cheer" of your own!
Chris, Maggie, (and Wyatt)
p.s. I think I may start referring to him as "Wyatt in the Womb" - kind of has a nice ring to it!
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