
Welcome to our family blog! It's where we'll share news, views, thoughts, and opinions (right, wrong, and indifferent from time to time) and give friends and family a chance to keep up with us!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

No news...

In our new "lives" no news is really good news...as one of Maggie's doctors said "she's uneventful"...as ridiculous as that may sound we'll take it and run with it. Maggie and Wyatt are stable and we're continually thankful for everyone's prayers and support!

By our count we are at the 26 week mark and that's a milestone - this day to day thing sure makes it easy to lose track of what day it actually is! Our next big marker is at 28 weeks and hopefully we'll have new stats to update this week after a new ultrasound.

It was a tough day today and we said goodbye to our puppy Angus and sent him to a new family who is adopting him. I was able to bring him to the hospital to say bye to Maggie yesterday and it was pretty emotional. In the long run this will be better for him and hopefully he brings as much joy to his new family as he did to ours. The lyric from the fray holds true "some times the hardest thing and the right thing are the same".

Here is one news item of note: Maggie's mom and dad decorated her room for Christmas today so she's quite the talk of the high-risk pregnancy floor...check out the picture!

Gotta wrap this up and get ready for game time - Sure am thankful for the "Dad Cave" here at the hospital! Go Colts!


1 comment:

  1. awww... im glad that you guys have hit a milestone and will pray for your growing family. Would love to come visit sometime if Maggie is up for it!
