
Welcome to our family blog! It's where we'll share news, views, thoughts, and opinions (right, wrong, and indifferent from time to time) and give friends and family a chance to keep up with us!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Maggie's Version of "the story"...

Thought people might like my version for the blog....

Ok, so since I am bored, I thought I would send my version of everything that has been happening.

Sunday night, I looked at Chris and explained that I just didn't think that everything was quite right. I felt a lot of pressure, but not pain and was just a little uncomfortable. As Chris will tell you, I often said things like this, so it probably didn't have a lot of weight :). Monday came and again I was a bit uncomfortable most of the mooring but had decided what I was feeling were the famous Braxton hicks contractions I had heard and read about. I read they could happen this early but didn't think that frequently. When lunchtime came, I called my mom to see what her Braxton hicks felt like, since she had three children. After she explained them, mine didn't feel like that but just attributed that to everyone being different. She though I might want to call the doctor. Not wanting to be the annoying first time mom that called about every pain, I didn't call at lunch. I had an appointment Tuesday afternoon and thought I would just bring it up at that time. Instead I went on with my normal routine of paperwork and copying. Throughout the afternoon session of kindergarten I started feeling quite a bit of pain and knew this wasn't right. So at about 3:40 I called her office. She called back saying to report to the labor and delivery triage at community north. Not being far enough along for the hospital tour, I had NO IDEA where that was. So I called Chris and told him that is where I was going (having not even told him I was in pain all day) and also called my mom.

So I left and drove, freaking out, but trying not to. I told Chris not to leave work since it probably was nothing since I was so early, and would call when I knew something. I thought she might just tell me to drink more water and send me home. Unfortunately, that was not what was found. When the nurse hooked up the contraction machine, I was contracting every 1.5-3 minutes and was 1cm dilated! What a surprise that was to hear that I was in full-fledged preterm labor. By the time I called Chris to come, He was already pulling in...Apparently, he didn't think it was nothing! I was then moved to the high-risk area and admitted indefinitely to be monitored, observed and hopefully stop contractions.

After lots of medication, careful looking and amazing care, the contractions have slowed down quite a bit. I have stopped any dilation and am able to relax comfortably in my hospital bed. They do not know how long I will be her, but we have heard a definite through Thanksgiving and some talk about until Christmas. At this point, I do not care how long I am here as long as Wyatt is safe and sound getting the best care that he can. I am lucky to have a lot of incredible doctors watching out for me and doing everything in their power to keep our little guy in where he belongs.

Thank you to all of the friends and family that have come by sent things, written nice words. They are all really appreciated and cannot thank you all enough. Chris and I are blessed with a very strong network of people and we love you all!



  1. Maggie,

    WOW! Just tonight Juliya and I were talking about you and I told her Wyatt's name. She liked it ... and said when she has a baby ... she'll name him (thinking, thinking) "Wyatt!!" :o)

    I know you are a go getter and this could be a trying time ... but I am praying you will experience God in ways you never have imagined possible!!!

    Be assured of my thoughts and prayers for you and your precious little one.

    Big hugs!!

    Mary :o)

  2. Maggie and Chris,
    Kristin and I are praying for you guys. I am glad to hear the doctors have been able to help. Let us know if you need anything. We are in town over Thanksgiving.

    Catch you later,

  3. Maggie and Chris,
    I know you are in good hands and urge you to do what the doctors and nurses say, then cure your boredom by playing the "What can I do?" game . . .

    What can I make out of this tape and those gloves? What can I read? What can I find on TV? What will happen if I push this? What happens if I paint every fingernail a different color? What little kids can come from their rooms to mine and then I read picture books to? Maybe make hand turkeys.

    Could the same kids write letters with me to Wyatt--letters about what we did over Wyatt's first Thanksgiving? Maybe hints about things to be thankful for as he grows up?

    My thoughts and prayers are with you brave girl!


  4. thanks for the updates - thinking of you all!
    Leigh and Brad
