I looked at the last post. Being that it is from March I'd say we slacked on the blog posting over 2011. I apologize.
The thing is, in the Owens house there's no shortage of anything ironic or interesting going on at any given time. We've just been busy and that's not a good excuse.
Now, it's the Christmas season and we've got a 10 month old on our hands, who is increasingly more mobile every day!
I've started a new job as the Executive Director of the Indiana Park and Recreation Association and am quickly learning and growing into my role. For the time being, I am staying on for a few hours a week at Lowe's to help accomplish some financial goals. I feel very strong about this new opportunity and how our relationship will be mutually beneficial.
As I mention the "not normal" side of things Wyatt recently had a procedure done to open up his tear-ducts. Since we can't stay out of the Doctor's office, no matter which Dr. that may be he will be having tubes put in his ears this morning. Hopefully this will provide some relief from a seemingly three-month long ear infection in either one ear or the other.
Maggie, as you can expect is really enjoying not spending the Holiday Season in the hospital this year. Our home has been decorated since before Thanksgiving and she may not let me take decorations down until Easter.
This blog post and the corresponding photo will have to serve as our Christmas card this year. Not that everyone doesn't want to put up a picture of me on their refrigerator, but we just couldn't get around to it this year.
If 2011 has taught us anything I'd say it would be "to hang on and trust God"...nothing and no-one else carried us through this year of rebuilding and He will prepare us and sustain us for 2012 and beyond.
In conclusion thank-you to all of our family and friends for all the love and support. We're blessed beyond our means and we try to never take that for granted.
Merry Christmas and all the best in 2012!
Chris, Maggie, and Wyatt